Make your own porridge in the morning/anytime

It is cheap­er and more nutri­tious to make your own por­ridge.  Have bags of organ­ic whole grains on hand like mil­let, brown rice, or buck­wheat groats, and grind up 3 table­spoons in your cof­fee grinder and add to 1 cup of water; keep stir­ring to pre­vent lump­ing and bring to boil; then low­er to sim­mer for 3 to 5 min­utes until desired thick­ness is achieved; this makes 1 por­tion.  You are get­ting far more whole­some nutri­ents in fresh ground grains then with ground grains that have been sit­ting in a box for months/years on a shelf.  Or if you pre­fer oat­meal stick to mak­ing steel-cut oats; how­ev­er, these take longer to cook.  Be sure to add your own favorite ingre­di­ents like almond milk, maple syrup, nuts, or cinnamon.

Whole grains con­tain valu­able nutri­ents like fiber need­ed for opti­mum bow­el func­tion, B vit­a­mins for brain func­tion, anti-oxi­dants like vit­a­min E for immune func­tion, and min­er­als like mag­ne­sium for stress reduc­tion and iron for improv­ing weak­ness and fatigue.  From a tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine stand­point start­ing the morn­ing with a hot por­ridge in the win­ter is a very healthy habit and ben­e­fits the kid­neys; check out this site and read the “so what to eat in win­ter” in the articles/how to stay healthy in win­ter section.

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