
Introductory special

Two hour consultation for $150.00

Includes an in-home or over-the-phone two hour con­sul­ta­tion. Lore­ta will dis­cuss your health his­to­ry to deter­mine the most appro­pri­ate and con­cise action plan. The con­sul­ta­tion includes an indi­vid­u­al­ized nutri­tion­al, vit­a­min, herbal, and pos­si­ble home­o­path­ic strat­e­gy to improve your con­di­tion or ail­ment. Price does not include HST.

nutri-body detailed health assessment

Includes every­thing in the intro spe­cial above, plus a 1‑week indi­vid­u­al­ized menu plan, and a detailed health assess­ment. This assess­ment is arrived at via a ques­tion­naire cre­at­ed by renowned nutri­tion­al expert David Row­land. The ques­tion­naire can be filled out in advance of the vis­it, and is lat­er used to iden­ti­fy bio­chem­i­cal weak­ness­es so that they can be supported.

30-minute phone consultations

This brief con­sul­ta­tion will allow Lore­ta to review your heal­ing strat­e­gy, answer ques­tions, or aug­ment your main protocol.

one hour follow-up

The fol­low-up vis­it to the intro­duc­to­ry vis­it, out­lined above, and is usu­al­ly one hour in dura­tion. The fol­low-up includes revi­sions or addi­tions to the orig­i­nal pro­to­col. Some­times the pro­to­col is inten­si­fied, to help with more deeply entrenched phys­i­cal or emo­tion­al issues.

cooking classes

Lore­ta offers fun, infor­ma­tive, and healthy cook­ing class­es in an indi­vid­ual or group setting.

four-visit package

This pack­age involves four home vis­its, with three hours per vis­it. The con­sul­ta­tions include a com­bi­na­tion of cook­ing demos, along with the ser­vices list­ed above: an intro­duc­to­ry con­sul­ta­tion, in which Lore­ta assess­es your cur­rent health state and needs, and/or the Nutri-Body assess­ment. The Four-Vis­it Pack­age will also pro­vide you with infor­ma­tion about stress reduc­tion, ideas on how to bring the body back to bal­ance, and detailed sug­ges­tions on how to shop in grocery/health food stores, if necessary.

one week individualized menu plan

Lore­ta will devise a cus­tom menu plan just for you or your fam­i­ly, based on your spe­cif­ic nutri­tion­al or taste requirements.

Vis­its can be con­duct­ed one-on-one, with cou­ples, or with fam­i­lies. Please con­tact us for pricing.