Category Archives: Digestion

high/low stomach acid

Stom­ach acid is anoth­er lengthy top­ic.  Holis­tic Nutri­tion Schools talk about stom­ach acid quite a lot as they are prepar­ing prac­ti­tion­ers for the large num­ber of clients who are on GERD med­ica­tion used to reduce stom­ach acid.  I have met sev­er­al clients on stom­ach acid low­er­ing meds.  One of the chal­lenges is that typ­i­cal high stom­ach acid symp­toms like burning/heartburn sen­sa­tions can also mean low stom­ach acid.  Once you have med­ical­ly ruled out the pres­ence of H. Pylori bac­te­ria respon­si­ble for ulcers and/or struc­tur­al issues, you have many options available.

As time goes by, and years of processed food eat­ing have passed, stom­ach acid can become very slug­gish espe­cial­ly if there has been a lack of whole food in the [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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My IBS Story

I was offi­cial­ly diag­nosed with IBS (irri­ta­ble bow­el syn­drome) in 1995 although I prob­a­bly had this con­di­tion since child­hood. IBS is usu­al­ly diag­nosed by process of elim­i­na­tion after oth­er bow­el dis­eases which show up with dis­tinct inflam­ma­to­ry mark­ers like Crohn’s or Col­i­tis have been inves­ti­gat­ed first. Many IBS suf­fer­ers often go undi­ag­nosed for some time, even years, until their fam­i­ly doc­tor or a spe­cial­ist final­ly arrives at the IBS con­clu­sion. Many suf­fer­ers are told that they are sim­ply lac­tose intol­er­ant or have food sen­si­tiv­i­ties which are only a small part of the pic­ture. The ner­vous sys­tem and life/nutritional habits need to be investigated.

Chal­leng­ing stress­ful events can often lead to this IBS con­di­tion even though it may seem to the indi­vid­ual [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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Digestion Challenges: The Bowel

All bow­el disorders/diseases do not have to be debil­i­tat­ing. The bow­els respond very quick­ly to the prop­er use of pro­bi­otics, anti-inflam­­ma­­to­ry/­­calm­ing sub­stances like slip­pery elm pow­der, marsh­mal­low and pep­per­mint, gut-lin­ing rebuild­ing amino acids like L‑glutamine and med­ical foods like pro­tein pow­ders made with all the gut enhanc­ing sub­stances to stop leaky gut syn­drome. And extreme­ly impor­tant is learn­ing strate­gies to reduce stress respons­es to calm down the enteric ner­vous sys­tem in your gut which is direct­ly respon­sive to the stress felt in the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem. This includes easy deep breath­ing and med­i­ta­tion tech­niques along with home­o­path­ic reme­dies which can be used to calm the mind.

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