Wel­come to Focus Holis­tic Health, the Holis­tic Health Ser­vices of Lore­ta Duti.

Lore­ta has been focused on holis­tic prac­tices for as long as she can remem­ber. Through per­son­al expe­ri­ence, read­ing count­less health books and attend­ing the Insti­tute of Holis­tic Nutri­tion, she has come to believe that the body and mind work best if stud­ied as a whole unit.

Loreta’s mis­sion is to teach her clients that the entire body is con­nect­ed, and to be mind­ful and focus on its feel­ings and mes­sages. From a holis­tic point of view, an ail­ment is addressed by check­ing in with the rest of the body, both phys­i­cal­ly and emo­tion­al­ly. Using a com­bi­na­tion of holis­tic nutri­tion, vit­a­mins, herbs, stress reduc­tion prac­tices, and home­opa­thy, the body can be brought back into balance.

Focus Holis­tic Health offers con­sul­ta­tions on a vari­ety of health issues:

In Lore­ta’s blog she expands on the above top­ics, and offers tips on how to improve over­all health. For con­sul­ta­tions, whether in per­son in Toron­to, or over the phone, Lore­ta will tai­lor an indi­vid­ual heal­ing strat­e­gy to suit your needs. Lore­ta will help guide you, allow­ing you to bring your focus back to your whole health.