Tag Archives: nutrition

Eating Habits: Loreta’s Tips

Health chal­lenges often respond well to the use of clean, prefer­ably organ­ic, whole foods, that are cooked from scratch. When your body receives all the macro and micro nutri­ents it needs from whole foods, crav­ings for junk food or sug­ar will be dras­ti­cal­ly reduced.


Keep organ­ic whole grains around to cook from scratch. You can use them whole, in sal­ads, or fresh­ly ground to a pow­der for quick-cook­ing por­ridges. All whole grains are high in fibre, which helps clean the colon of pos­si­ble toxins.
Give up refined fruit juice and eat your fruit whole, unless you have a juicer.
Give up con­ve­nience foods as much as pos­si­ble: any­thing in a bag, box, or can, or frozen.
Pur­chase a grain mill to grind grains [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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