Tag Archives: estrogen


Infer­til­i­ty is on the rise accord­ing to Dr. Roger Pier­son PhD in obstetrics/Gynaecology (also a mem­ber of the Cana­di­an Fer­til­i­ty and Androl­o­gy Soci­ety) who report­ed in a new study that 16% of het­ero­sex­u­al cou­ples where the woman is age 18 to 44 are expe­ri­enc­ing infer­til­i­ty.  He says that this has dou­bled since the last time infer­til­i­ty was mea­sured in 1992. Accord­ing to the Holis­tic point of view there are many rea­sons for this and nutri­tion is at the top of the list.  The main issues are the stan­dard Amer­i­can Diet (known as SAD); this includes bad fats, genet­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied (GMO) foods, pesticides/herbicides, and too much caffeine/alcohol.  Oth­er fac­tors are stress, hor­mon­al imbal­ances, ovu­la­to­ry defects, blocked tubes, and Poly­cys­tic Ovar­i­an [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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