Tag Archives: bowel disorders


Inflam­ma­tion is always a huge top­ic. Almost every­thing can be cat­e­go­rized as some type of inflam­ma­tion; any­thing from diver­ti­c­uli­tis, fibroids, hor­mon­al imbal­ances, bow­el dis­or­ders, eczema, pso­ri­a­sis, joint pain, and so much more. The liv­er is gen­er­al­ly involved here at some lev­el. When years of tox­ins build up in the cells and the liv­er becomes slug­gish it can no longer remove cel­lu­lar debris.  The liv­er needs help mak­ing its most pow­er­ful anti-oxi­­dant called glu­tathione which can be encour­aged by tak­ing the pre­cur­sors that make this pow­er­ful sub­stance, like cys­teine or methio­n­ine which can be tak­en as sup­ple­ments. Along with clean­ing the liv­er, many anti-inflam­­ma­­to­ry vitamins/minerals can be uti­lized like pro­bi­otics, fish oils, and var­i­ous types of micro min­er­als avail­able in many [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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